
Showing posts from August, 2020


    Investment is the action or process of investing money for profit. Everything in life rises and falls on investments. As a man begin to make His millions or billions in life, the next thing He needs to start thinking of is investment. WHAT ARE YOU TO INVEST ON - Invest in Real Estate:In the 19th century there is this popular saying that He that owns the Real Estate owns the wealth. That saying is still potent till today. -Invest on your wife- As a man begin to approach marital stage you need to invest so much on your wife that you will receive Her blessings. -Invest on your children:If there is anything at all you should not forget to invest in when you are still young and agile,it is your children. This is one of the highest investment in life,because as you are approaching 60's and 70's,you will not be able to make the money you were making like the time you were young. So it is very important to invest in your children. -Invest on non-current Assets: These are assets


       Being different is a matter of being special, it is standing out in the crowd when everyone is getting on the band wagon. Show me a man that does things differently and I will show you the making of a hero. life does not recognize an ordinary citizen but the extraordinary.    I am not moved by the number of mistakes you have made,i am only moved by the number of times you have taken those steps differently or the number of times you have repeatedly reshapen the way it is being done.     Arise and join me in the making of a citizen with a difference.

How to raise funds for your SME through Equity Financing

By Alaya Saheed Great ideas are unceasingly birthed in our minds every time every day. Sadly, with no finance, those ideas will never come to fruition or to a level that will serve immense benefit to both the idea generators and the rest of the world. Imagine Jeff Bezos couldn’t get finance to fund his ideas that has now become the behemoth e-commerce in the whole world. Or had Peter Thiel, an angel investor not invested a sum of $500,000 in Facebook, where would Facebook have been by now? Your guess is as good as mine! Probably, we wouldn’t have had anything as big as Amazon and Facebook today! Anyway, my point is that with no finance, no great idea can see the light of the day. That’s quite simple and uncontroversial! Getting finance as SMEs can be extremely difficult and tricky because of many odds against them. That’s why you find majority laboring from morning till night trying to make ends meet for their businesses. Truth to be told, no one is ready to lose his/her mone