
Showing posts from January 13, 2019


       The problem with many Nigerians that made them kept starting the same journey over and over again. That is why some families can never be up to some others. Are you not tired of keeping the same surname everywhere you go and it does not carry weight,are you not feeling that your fathers name is becoming out dated. Don't you think you need to go beyond limit, think outside the box launch into the deep and become the next star to be celebrated in the world of success.        Don't you feel surprised,amazed and dazzled when you see young guys and ladies of your country in their early 20s and 30s already commanding respect in their own little corner by doing what they knew how to do best. Your greatest question have been,How are they doing it? How they are doing it is not a function of age,it is not a function of who you know, it is not a function of your background, it is not a function of your friends,it is not a function of strength, it i...


    I have come to discover that the blacks are tbeen tapping from. We are the crude the white has been mining from, We are the diamond that have been supplying the needs and putting food on the table of the white.The more we succumb to their authority the more money they will get and the richer they will be. No matter how valuable or costly a raw material is it can never be richer than its manufacturer or potter no matter how powerful or rich the blacks are we may never be richer, powerful or prosperous than the white but there is a clause to the statement [The moment the valuable raw material changes in the hand of the manufacturer or maker and goes back to the root will always be greater and more expensive than whoever the maker has been. I am not interested in the guy that became wealthy out of travelling abroad I am more interested in the guy who discovered purpose in his father’s land and end up becoming a man of global relevance. It is high time we are celeb...


    The fact that you have small stature does not disqualify you to be leader,on the other hand,the fact that you have a huge stature does not guarantee your being a leader.The fact that you came form a poor background,does not stop you form getting to the leading class,on the other hand the fact that you are from a rich background does not disqualify you to be leader.       Until you have the idea to move our people forward to change the world you are not qualified to lead unless you are ready to read and possess the idea to lead.Dress like a leader,walk like a leader,eat like a leader,speak like a leader,read like a leader and before you know you will find yourself in the leading class. The leading class is not a class for those that are not ready take the risk,it is not for the weak, it is not for those that are not willing to face the challenge,it is not for those that are unable to lead the class. The leading class is for those that have a platform t...


      Better life has always been the ultimate desire in the hearts of the youth of this 21st century. Some of us have forgotten that it is only the dilligent that will be rewarded with success. Though the problem with many is not about being hardworking,it is the system.The system that will make its younger citizens put in great effort to write exams and they will end up failing. The system that have refused to create employment for the fresh graduate. The system that have swallowed the wealth and prosperity of its people. The system that fails to create pipe borne water and good electric supply to its citizens. The system where egalitarianism has become a thing of the past. After 105 years of existence,58 years of independence and 19 years of democracy the true purpose of our existence is crippled by the manicles of corruption and chains of disunity.         Nigeria, The giant of Africa properlly called is yet to achieve her dream and aspirations.I...


    In every man is embedded a gift of leadership but not everyone will eventually become a leader. There are 3 things that defines a leader they include: Character,Influence and power. A man without a good character is not fit to lead. Attitude they say determines altitude.Power is good but influence is better. Those that possess influence owns the power. Power they say corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.          Where character and power cannot take you influence will. The litty-gritty of leadership is embedded in influence.The most influential men of our time possesses power and controls it. Influence is about serving. The reason we cannot all be leaders is because not everybody is ready to be a leading-servants. Leadership is about serving. Influence will teach u to serve.          Men that rule are much,men that serve are rare. When you learn how to serve you will know how to lead. Learn to serve those you...


      Everything in life rises and falls on the place of a man. From my little experience in life,I have come to discover that every man has a place and someone said that in your place you will find grace and outside your place is disgrace. Some peoples place is music that is why they will keep on flourishing if you put them there,if you take them outside music they are doomed. Some people places are: medicine,acting,presenting,fashion designing,painting,carpentry e.t.c. It is one thing to be in your place,its another for you not to be disgraced. Show me a man that has found His place in life and I will show you the man that will never be disgraced. The question you should be asking now is Where is my place? What problem am I on earth to solve?. Then you can begin to venture into what you know how to do best after which you convert the ideas you have to cash. It is not about getting the money first but when you come out with your own style,you will catch the worlds att...