President Nelson Mandela came out from prison and became a president. Obasanjo came out from prison and became a president. Theodore Orji from prison and became a Governor. Omisore Iyiola from prison to Senator. Even Jerry Rawlings from prison to Head of State.even Jomo kenyatta from prison to president. Joseph came out of prison and became a prime minister,Prof Wole Soyinka went to prison and became a Nobel Laurette,Joe Odumakin went to Prison and became a Human Right Activist.You can be the next ceebrity to be celebrated,you can be a man of global relevance.There is to learn from the secret place. These set of people wenr to the prison of humaanity and made something great out of such calling,they became men and womenof global relevance.They upholded egalitarinism,the forsook the stigma of being called ex-convict,they shook the world,they set the pace and make the change. It is high time the intellecctual giants and revolutionary leaders of our time awoke ...