Better life has always been the ultimate desire in the hearts of the youth of this 21st century. Some of us have forgotten that it is only the dilligent that will be rewarded with success. Though the problem with many is not about being hardworking,it is the system.The system that will make its younger citizens put in great effort to write exams and they will end up failing. The system that have refused to create employment for the fresh graduate. The system that have swallowed the wealth and prosperity of its people. The system that fails to create pipe borne water and good electric supply to its citizens. The system where egalitarianism has become a thing of the past. After 105 years of existence,58 years of independence and 19 years of democracy the true purpose of our existence is crippled by the manicles of corruption and chains of disunity.
        Nigeria, The giant of Africa properlly called is yet to achieve her dream and aspirations.I am very sure that at this point you should know where I am heading. Before you start pointing accussing fingers at the wrong people,have you checked if you are a problem to nigeria or a solution. The system I am referring to is the government but am sure we all know that the people formulate the government. Therefore let’s work together to lift up the largest black nation,let’s sing the song of our fathers land with unity of purpose and direction,let’s combat corruption,let’s uphhold the spirit of egalitarianism,let’s show the people in the other parts of the world and our white brothers that we are now a changed nation. You and I have a parts to play,our leaders are doing theirs. I have a dream that one day,people from other countries will be pleading for visa to come into this country. Join me as I launch you all to the MAKE IT COUNTS CAMPAIGN. GOD BLESS NIGERIA.

Written By:Ojajuni Emmanuel 
