A failure is not a man that falls,but a man that refuses to stand when He fail. Jeff Bezos failed many times before inventing Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg succeeded in His first project. Obama retired at the age of 55 after many failing attempts before He ever got to the white house, Trump started life at 70. It is not too late to start young people. The downfall of a man is not the end of His life. Your age will only keep you in bondage, your background will only keep your back on the ground. Warren buffet started making money at 11 while Colonel sanders started selling chicken at 65. It does not matter who get there first,what matters most is the person that finally hit the jackpot after many failed attempts. Thomas Edison failed severally before finally making the electric bulb. A failure is a man that is lured to fail but you can only be a better person if you move on and become better person.Show me a man that succeed and I will show you a once upon a time failure. Your success story can never be sweet if it dosent have an element of failure in it. There is no glory without story.There is no star without a scar. I am in the business of making people realize the potential within them.I am a failing forward man. What I mean by failing forward is moving forward in the face of tribulations.Marthin Luther King jnr. said that "The true test of a man is not where He stands at the places of comfort and convenience but where He stand at the moment of Controversy and challenges". Young people where do you stand. I am always FAILING FORWARD and I challenge you to always fail forward. Welcome to the journey of the Succeeding men.